Events = Fun.

Events are where we share, listen and learn from each other. What’s better than that?

You can register for key upcoming events, or browse recordings below.

Connecting Regatta with the tools you love

This is a webinar where we will introduce Regatta OLxP: Immediate data-insights on up-to-date transactional data at any scale. Come and join us!
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Getting started with Regatta webinar

This is a webinar where we will introduce Regatta OLxP: Immediate data-insights on up-to-date transactional data at any scale. Come and join us!
Watch Recording >

Regatta Introduction Webinar

This is a webinar where we will introduce Regatta OLXP: Immediate data-insights on up-to-date transactional data at any scale. Come and join us!
Watch Recording >
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Let’s work on something cool. Together.

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