NEW: Architecture blog post by Erez…

Learn the truth.

Sharding single-node databases has trade-offs, often breaking developer expectations around ACID. This adds complexity to application code, forcing developers to attempt to solve database problems in their business logic. Learn why this happens, how it affects systems, and what can be done about it.

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    This whitepaper provides an overview of scale-out sharding as a technique to address the limitations of single-node writer database systems, along with the operational, performance, distributed query, and data correctness challenges inherent to this approach.

    There are alternatives.

    Regatta is the first of a new category of database system: OLxP databases. OLxP systems are modern cloud native distributed architectures. OLxP scale linearly without conceding any loss of consistency like what you see with sharded systems. OLxP systems are extremely performant and also extremely efficient. Unlike anything before them – OLxP systems can perform complex analytics directly on transactional data with no ETL, Datapipelines, time delay.

    Tell non-distributed legacy systems to go shard themselves.

    Learn more, subscribe and try Regatta for yourself!

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