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The OLxP Database for Builders

Regatta frees developers to build any app they want

Introducing Regatta

Regatta’s distributed SQL database — an OLxP database — stretches and molds itself to the needs of your application

Build what you want, when you want, and never give a second thought to the database behind the scenes. Ever.

How Regatta actually does what you want, when you want.

Strongest ACID at any scale

OLxP = OLTP + OLAP without compromise

Total elasticity

Simplify the complex

Drop-in replacement for Postgres

Unbreakable resilience

don’t be at the mercy

of your database

Scale without complexity
Without Regatta

You work overtime and are forced into bloated code to try to compensate for a database that doesn’t scale.

Shard boundaries limit you, and make things simple JOINS complex or flat-out impossible. Sharding is like a shard in your mind, a thorn in your side.

Your alternatives are limited, overpriced, inefficient and have caveats a mile long.

The data layer is a curse, not a blessing – every day is working around scaling and performance versus being focused on new features and delighting users.

With Regatta
Work the way you want

Your code is bloated because it needs to workaround a database that is not dependably consistent, nor relational, nor performant.


Your code is lean, clean and efficient. You focus on your app, knowing the database is always consistent, serializable, performant.

Fearlessly respond to change

Your code is has all sorts of gunk to do things that the database should do but can’t because it’s not elastic logically or functionally. You spend endless evenings and weekends working with the DBA any time an app change triggers even a simple database change.


Your code is lean, clean and efficient. You are fearless about unexpected changes and you (and your happy DBA) get your weekends back.

Simplify analytics

Your code is bloated to deal with different systems that are needed to cope with your varying transactional, streaming and analytical needs. You sadly accept that analytics are never on current data and that data pipelines aren’t always dependable.


Your code is lean, clean and efficient. You just ask the database to respond and answer queries and it responds fast to any query, of any type, of any complexity and at any scale.

Scale without complexity
Work the way you want
Fearlessly respond to change
Simplify analytics
Without Regatta

You work overtime and are forced into bloated code to try to compensate for a database that doesn’t scale.

Shard boundaries limit you, and make things simple JOINS complex or flat-out impossible. Sharding is like a shard in your mind, a thorn in your side.

Your alternatives are limited, overpriced, inefficient and have caveats a mile long.

The data layer is a curse, not a blessing – every day is working around scaling and performance versus being focused on new features and delighting users.

With Regatta

Your code is bloated because it needs to workaround a database that is not dependably consistent, nor relational, nor performant.


Your code is lean, clean and efficient. You focus on your app, knowing the database is always consistent, serializable, performant.


Your code is has all sorts of gunk to do things that the database should do but can’t because it’s not elastic logically or functionally. You spend endless evenings and weekends working with the DBA any time an app change triggers even a simple database change.


Your code is lean, clean and efficient. You are fearless about unexpected changes and you (and your happy DBA) get your weekends back.


Your code is bloated to deal with different systems that are needed to cope with your varying transactional, streaming and analytical needs. You sadly accept that analytics are never on current data and that data pipelines aren’t always dependable.


Your code is lean, clean and efficient. You just ask the database to respond and answer queries and it responds fast to any query, of any type, of any complexity and at any scale.

Tighter code, faster iterations, happy users. Life is good.

Skeptical? Good. Try it.

From one builder to another

“We have been experiencing significant challenges with various databases for years. As soon as Regatta is GA, we will definitely adopt and deploy it here at Dataloop.”

Eran Shlomo
Co-Founder & CEO / Dataloop

“What modern applications need is a database that guarantees large scale and high performance, as well as distributed strong ACID capabilities.”

Eddie Satterly
Founder & CTO / Data Nexus

“Regatta allows us to run OLAP-like queries alongside fast short transactions on the same database, enabling fast analytics and reporting on near-real-time data.”

Erez Shapira
Co-Founder & CTO / Simplex (acquired by Nuvei)

“Today we are using multiple types of data: Documents, passport photos, JSON, transactional data. All these are kept on multiple databases, making it hard to run fast, cross-platform queries. Having all data in one database, and running queries with no hassle, will have an immediate effect on our day-to-day operations.”

Oded Kovach
Co-founder & CTO / UNIPaaS

“At Wiliot we need to combine fast ingress of sensor-generated data, OLAP on real-time data, and strong ACID at scale, with total elasticity. Regatta is the only platform offering those capabilities that we have seen.”

Tsvika Rabkin
VP Products / Wiliot

Create without limits

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